There is a new club in town

Welcome to Club Cantina, where we celebrate a shared passion and fascination for agave distillates. Our goal is to give tequila and mezcal the status they deserve as traditional Mexican Spirits. We do this by sharing our enthusiasm and by bringing people together through this common interest.

Honestly, this means a lot to us. We could go on and on for days…from its origins, tradition and history, to the production process, its cultural relevance, to all the way down on how to enjoy it. This is the reason why we create these events. Its the reason why we build stages and open spaces as a place to meet, to exchange ideas, to talk and try things out.

We share our knowledge, joy and experience with the general public. We want to learn from each other and inspire each other. Because for us there is nothing better than a good mezcal or tequila, in all of its forms. On its own or in a cocktail. Immerse yourself with us in the world of Mexican spirits and the adventure of agave – Mexico is calling you!

What does the name Club Cantina mean?

The name „Club Cantina“ is a reference to the traditional taverns where people gather in a relaxed, informal atmosphere to talk, enjoy their time off, have a drink, maybe a beer, or tequila or mezcal and have a bite. It’s the place where we express our common interest in appealing to the agave community at large. Whether you are a producer, brand owner, retailer, restaurateur, bartender, hotelier, professional mixologist or amateur mixologist, enthusiast or connoisseur, you name it, we´ve got a place for you.

According to the definition, a club is „an association of people who share a common interest or objective and meet periodically to carry out activities related to that interest or objective“. We think that fits pretty well. It is precisely this that we want to incorporate and reflect, not only in our name but as a community.

In addition to this, is our demand for high-quality distillates. So we decided to add: „Hablamos 100% Agave“. Club Cantina is therefore a place where we and all friends of Mexican distillates can celebrate them together in a relaxed, yet informed manner and share the joy of a true part of Mexican culture.

What does Club Cantina offer?

On the one hand, we organise our own events, also known as the Agave Forum. We had our very first event at Trisoux in Munich. Our next major event was in Hamburg. In both of which, we invited international experts to the stage, organised lectures, networking, tastings, masterclasses and dove deep into the broad topic of agave.

On the other hand, we also get invited to give inspiring and informative talks at trade fairs, such as, BCB, Tasting Days, Finest Spirits, Prowein and Imbibe. As passionate experts with in-depth knowledge of agave distillates, market developments and trends, we are always happy to talk to you.

In certain trade fairs or shows, we are invited to put up our very own stage, an educational space where we talk 100% about agave. In 2023, for example, we are proud to say that we successfully organised Agave Camp at the Bar Convent Berlin with some of the most important people in the world of Agave and Mexican distillates as speakers, sharing their experience and offering tastings.

Who is behind Club Cantina?

We are a collective of agave nerds, all of whom have many years of experience and expertise in the subject and somehow see ourselves as the pioneers of the German agave scene. The following people currently make up the group of organisers: Gernot Allnoch (co-founder of Mezcal San Cosme), Manuel Weisskopf (agave connoisseur and importer of Mexican distillates) and Markus Nikowitsch (operator of the Tequila Kontor online shop). Jonas Schenke and Christoph Wild (founder of Mayaciel Tequila) our faithful companions and supporters. Last but not least our Ben Teeuwsen (tequila blogger).

Club Cantina in the press

Tequila Dealer:

About Tequila:


Bar Convent Berlin:

Finest Spirits: